Jane Street – Lower Level only
College Street – Lounge side only
Bellona’s Cantina
The heart of the Italian home.

Now Open for Dining & Special Occasions – 5pm to Close
We welcome you to The Cantina – the heart of the Italian home.
The Upstairs Kitchen is for day-to-day cooking, but The Cantina is where grown-ups go for late night drinks and extra special occasions. Today, we welcome you into our Cantina for a 3 Course Meal for only $27 per person.
For private events, email us at events@bellonakitchen.com.
History of The Cantina
In every Italian home, there are two levels—the upstairs kitchen and the downstairs kitchen.
The Upstairs Kitchen is for day-to-day cooking, but the dining room is off limits until Christmas or Easter Dinners. However, the downstairs is truly the heart of the Italian home; set with a full second kitchen, the good booze, and of course, The Cantina. We wouldn’t be true Italians without our cantina and now, we will be welcoming you into ours.
In an Italian home, the cantina stores years’ worth of homemade tomato sauce, made in our garages circled by each generation, home dried herbs, and hand pressed wine. It’s where we hid Christmas presents and for hide and seek. It is a child’s Narnia and “the grown-up” haven.
Somehow the coldest room in the house always seemed the warmest.